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 Vandaag 18-05-2024
21850 begrippen & definities
 Trending begrippen
1 middeninkomen
2 default rate
3 default risk
4 Dogs of the Dow
5 nullijn
 Recent verbeterd
18-05herverdeling van inkom...
18-05Autoriteit Consument &...
17-05Foreign Banker's Assoc...
17-05zero sum game
17-05Algemene Rekenkamer
17-05krappe arbeidsmarkt
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 Meest opgevraagde begrippen
1Dogs of the Dow
2ouwe jongens krentenbroo...
3onder embargo
4debt service coverage ra...
5out-of-pocket kosten
8arm's length-beginsel
9negatief eigen vermogen
Spring naar: S&-S--S.-S1-S3-SA-SB-SC-SD-SE-SF-
 2.S & L
 6.S&P 500
 7.S&P 500 Catholic Values Index
 8.S&P 500 ESG Index
 9.S&P 500 index
 10.S&P 500 Low Volatility Index
 11.S&P 500-goudratio
 12.S&P future
 13.S&P GSCI
 14.S&P/ASX 200-index
 24.safe asset
 25.safe bank
 26.safe harbor (wetgeving)
 27.safe haven
 28.SAFE Investment Company
 30.SAFFIER model
 33.Salaire minimum interprofessionnel de croissance
 38.salary sacrifice
 48.saldo interest
 49.saldo nominaal
 57.sale and lease back
 58.sale and repurchase agreement
 60.Sallie Mae
 66.same day settlement
 67.samengesteld jaarlijks groeipercentage
 68.samengestelde index
 69.samengestelde interest
 70.samengestelde rente
 72.Samenwerkende Brancheorganisaties Filantropie
 74.Samenwerkingsraad voor Arabische Golfstaten
 76.samoerai obligatie
 78.samurai bond
 79.San Francisco Fed
 81.Sanctiewet 1977
 82.sandwich generatie
 83.sandwich spread
 89.sans dificulté financière
 90.sans domicile fixe
 91.sans-forcer order
 92.sans prejudice
 93.Santa Claus rally
 94.Santa rally
 103.Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
 104.Saudi Stock Exchange
 105.Savings & Loans Crisis
 106.savings and loan association
 107.Savings and Loans
 108.savings bank
 120.Scandinavisch model
 121.Scandinavische monetaire unie
 130.Schaal van Mock
 139.Schadefonds Beleggers
 172.Schatkistbons (België)
 179.scheef wonen
 180.scheef zitten
 189.scheidbare bank
 194.schenking met de koude hand
 195.schenking met de warme hand
 220.schokbestendig financieel systeem
 221.schokdemper (eurozone)
 228.schone brexit
 229.schone lei
 230.schone prijs
 231.schoon in het handje
 233.schorsing van de officiële notering
 237.schrijven van een optie
 239.schrijver van een optie
 245.schuld op korte termijn
 246.schuld op lange termijn
 247.schuld op middellange termijn
 320.schuldtitel aan toonder
 321.schuldtitel op naam
 326.schwarze Null
 327.Schweizerische Nationalbank
 333.screaming buy
 334.screen trading
 335.screen scraping
 339.scrip dividend
 340.scrip issue
 353.search for yield
 356.Second Gentleman
 357.Second Great Stagnation
 358.Second Lady
 360.secondary buy-out
 361.secondary buy-out
 362.secondary market
 363.secondary offering
 364.secondary placement
 365.secondary public offering
 366.secondary sale
 367.secondary share offering
 369.secrecy jurisdiction
 371.sectoraal toezicht
 372.sectorallocatie (beleggen)
 379.secular bear market
 380.secular bull market
 381.secular market
 382.secular stagnation
 383.seculiere stagnatie
 384.secundair inkomen
 385.secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden
 386.secundaire emissie
 387.secundaire geldmarkt
 388.secundaire goederen
 389.secundaire kapitaalmarkt
 390.secundaire liquiditeiten
 391.secundaire markt
 392.secundaire sector
 393.secundaire trend
 394.Secure Sockets Layer
 395.secured bond
 396.secured debt
 397.secured loan
 398.secured note
 399.Secured Overnight Financing Rate
 403.Securities and Exchange Board of India
 404.Securities and Exchange Commission
 405.Securities and Futures Association
 406.Securities and Investment Board
 407.securities borrowing
 408.securities fraud
 409.Securities Investor Protection Corporation
 410.securities lending
 411.Securities Market Program
 414.Security Financial Stabilisation Fund
 415.security token
 417.seed capital
 418.seed fund
 419.seed money
 420.seed phase
 421.Seed Valley
 423.segregated account
 438.selectief belastingvoordeel
 439.selectieve distributie
 440.selective default
 441.selective disclosure
 442.self assessment
 443.self billing
 445.self-fulfilling prophecy
 446.self-liquidating loan
 447.self-regulatory organization
 448.selfdirected (investor)
 450.self-liquidating krediet
 451.selfmade man
 452.selfmade woman
 454.sell in May
 455.sell the rally
 456.sell- en buybacktransactie
 460.sell-side analist
 461.seller's market
 462.sellers' inflation
 463.selling group
 466.semi-collectieve (pensioen-)polis
 467.semi open-end
 468.semi-American option
 471.semi-open-end fund
 475.senior bond
 476.senior debt
 477.Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey
 478.senior status
 482.sensitivity analysis
 492.serial bond
 493.serial expiration
 495.serie A, B, enz. aandelen
 496.seriële expiratie
 499.Serious Fraud Office
 500.serious game
 501.Service de Règlement Différé
 502.Service Level Agreement
 508.settlement date
 509.settlement price
 513.settling property
 515.Seven Sisters
 532.shadow bank
 533.shadow banking
 534.Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee
 535.shadow interest rate
 536.shadow trading
 539.shale gas
 540.shale oil
 541.Shanghai Composite Index
 542.Shanghai Containerized Freight Index
 543.Shanghai Shipping Exchange
 544.Shanghai Stock Exchange
 545.Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index
 547.share appreciation rights
 548.share buyback
 549.share exchange offer
 550.share for share offer
 551.share ledger
 552.share of wallet
 553.share purchase agreement
 556.shareholder value
 557.shareholder value benadering
 558.shareholders' spring
 562.sharing economy
 564.shark repellent
 565.Shark Tank
 566.shark watcher
 567.Sharpe, William Forsyth
 573.shelf company
 574.shelf registration
 575.shell bank
 576.shell company
 577.Shenzhen Stock Exchange
 580.Shiller P/E
 581.Shiller's ratio
 582.shock and awe
 585.shogun bond
 586.shogun obligatie
 591.short add-on
 592.short conversie
 593.short covering
 594.short de basis
 595.short effectenpositie
 596.short ETF
 597.short exposure
 598.short gaan
 599.short hedge
 600.short interest
 601.short interest ratio
 602.short optiepositie
 603.short positie
 604.short sale rule
 605.short sell verbod
 606.short seller
 607.short selling
 608.short selling-strategie (hedge funds)
 609.short squeeze
 610.short straddle
 611.short strangle
 612.Short Term Capital Mismanagement
 613.short tracker
 619.shortfall of investment (intensions)
 623.shotgun clause
 624.shoulder surfing
 626.shout option
 634.side letter
 635.side pocket
 637.sideways price movement
 639.siësta landen
 643.sigma prime
 644.sign-on bonus
 651.silent period
 652.Silicon Six
 653.Silicon Valley
 654.Silicon Valley Tax Directors Group
 655.Silicon Wadi
 656.Silk Road
 660.silver economy
 661.Silver Rule 7
 662.silver streaming
 663.Silver Thursday
 664.silver to gold ratio
 667.simpele bank
 668.Simple Model of Rational Crime
 669.Simulated Target Attack and Response
 671.sin premium
 672.sin stock
 673.sin tax
 674.Singapore Exchange
 675.single capacity
 676.Single Euro Payments Area
 677.Single European Sky
 678.single family officer
 679.single market
 680.single point of failure
 681.single premium bond
 682.single premiums
 683.Single Resolution Board
 684.Single Resolution Fund
 685.Single Resolution Mechanism
 686.Single Supervisory Mechanism
 687.single-family office
 688.single-index model
 689.single-manager beleggingsfonds
 690.single-factor model
 691.Singles Day
 694.sinking fund
 695.sinking giant
 696.Sinodependency Index
 699.sisa loans
 701.sitting duck
 705.SIX Swiss Exchange
 707.sixpack (EU)
 717.skeleton staff
 719.skew factor
 720.skew index
 725.skin in the game
 729.skyscraper index
 738.slapend dienstverband
 739.slapend geld
 740.slapend pensioen
 741.slapend rijk worden
 742.slapende rekeningen
 743.slapende reus
 744.slapende schulden
 745.slapende tegoeden
 746.slapende vennootschap
 749.slappe lening
 750.slappe was
 754.slecht papier
 755.slechte bank
 756.slechte lening
 757.sleeping beauty
 760.sleutel-op-de deur
 769.slim bezuinigen
 770.slimme brexit
 771.slimme fabriek
 772.slimmer werken
 779.slot optie
 784.slow money
 798.slush fund
 800.small and medium-sized enterprises
 801.small cap
 802.Small Dogs of the Dow
 803.Small Order Execution
 805.smalle bank
 806.smalle beurs
 809.SMART (-principe)
 810.smart bèta strategie
 811.smart Brexit
 812.smart contract
 813.smart factory
 814.smart field
 815.smart grid
 816.smart industry
 817.smart money
 818.smart order router
 819.smart specialisation strategy
 822.smarter bèta strategie
 830.smoke & mirror accounting
 831.Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act
 834.sms ff bondige clips
 842.snail mail
 844.snake well
 846.snap trade
 851.snel geld
 852.Snelle indicatoren Goederenvervoer
 853.snelle raming
 864.sociaal akkoord
 865.sociaal bankieren
 866.sociaal belang beogende instelling
 867.Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau
 868.sociaal handelsplatform
 869.sociaal jaarverslag
 870.sociaal kapitaal
 871.sociaal leenstelsel
 872.sociaal minimum
 873.sociaal ondernemen
 874.sociaal plan
 875.sociaal rendement
 876.Sociaal-Economische Raad
 880.Social and Economic Stabilization Fund
 881.social benefit bond
 882.social dumping
 883.social engineering
 884.social impact bond
 885.social influencer
 886.social lending
 887.Social Licence (to operate)
 888.social media-fraude
 889.social payments
 890.Social Progress Index
 891.social responsible investment
 892.social return
 893.Social Security Administration
 894.Social Security Number
 895.social stock exchange
 896.social trading network
 897.Social Venture Network
 898.sociale 'race to the bottom'
 899.Sociale Banken Nederland
 900.sociale bevolkingsgroei
 901.sociale cohesie
 902.sociale dumping
 903.sociale huurgrens
 904.sociale huurwoning
 905.sociale imitatie
 906.Sociale Inlichtingen- en Opsporingsdienst
 907.sociale innovatie
 908.sociale lasten
 909.sociale lening
 910.sociale markteconomie
 911.sociale obligatie
 912.sociale onderneming
 913.sociale partners
 914.sociale premies
 915.sociale samenhang
 916.sociale uitkeringen
 917.sociale uitsluiting
 918.sociale verzekeringen
 919.Sociale Verzekeringsbank
 920.sociale verzekeringswetten
 921.sociale voorzieningen
 922.sociale zekerheid
 923.sociale zekerheidsfraude
 925.socialisatie (economie)
 926.socialise the losses, privatise the gains
 927.socialisme voor de rijken
 928.socialistische markteconomie
 929.Societas Europaea
 930.société à responsabilité limitée
 931.société anonyme
 932.société d'investissement à capital fixe
 933.societé d'investissement à capital variable
 934.Société des Bourses Françaises
 935.Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
 937.soeverein risico
 945.soft Brexit
 946.soft call provision
 947.soft close
 948.soft commission
 949.soft commodity
 950.soft data
 951.soft-dollar fees
 952.soft dollars
 953.soft financing
 954.soft fork
 955.soft indicator
 956.soft landing
 957.soft law
 958.soft loan
 959.soft money
 960.soft patch
 961.soft quote
 962.soft sounding
 966.Software as a Service
 967.software on demand
 969.Solar Valley
 976.Solidariteitsfonds van de Europese Unie
 985.solution crowdfunding
 988.solvabiliteit I-richtlijn
 989.solvabiliteit II-richtlijn
 993.Solvency Capital Requirement
 994.Solvency I
 995.Solvency II
 1000.Sonderfonds Finanzmarktstabilisierung
 1002.Sons and Daughters Program
 1008.sour crude
 1009.source code
 1010.source of income
 1011.South African Reserve Bank
 1012.South Sea bubble
 1013.South Sea Company
 1015.Sovereign Bond-Backed Securities
 1016.sovereign debt
 1017.sovereign debt restructuring mechanism
 1018.Sovereign Fund of Brazil
 1019.sovereign poverty fund
 1020.sovereign risk
 1021.sovereign wealth fund
 1022.Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute
 1023.sovereign-bank nexus
 1025.Soziale Marktwirtschaft
 1050.spaarpot op zee
 1055.Spaarrekening Eigen Woning
 1068.spaarzame vier
 1069.spaarzame vijf
 1080.sparen kost geld
 1085.speciaal segment (van de beurs)
 1086.Special Administrative Region
 1087.Special Drawing Rights
 1088.special products
 1089.special purpose acquisition company
 1090.special purpose entity
 1091.special purpose vehicle
 1092.special situations fund
 1093.speciale belening
 1094.speciale beleningsrente
 1095.speciale producten
 1096.Speciale Trekkingsrechten
 1098.Specially Designated Nationals
 1100.specifiek risico
 1101.specifieke uitkering
 1107.speculative grade
 1116.spender of last resort
 1118.spending cut
 1120.speur- en ontwikkelingswerk
 1129.spill-over effecten
 1134.spiraal des doods
 1135.spiral of death
 1138.split payments
 1139.split rating
 1141.split-strike conversion
 1149.sponsored ADR
 1150.sponsoring broker
 1164.spot commodity
 1165.spot delta
 1166.spot market
 1167.spot month
 1168.spot next
 1169.spot rate curve
 1172.spotlight opties
 1173.Spotlight Options Segment
 1178.spread betting
 1179.spread duration
 1180.spread margin
 1181.spread option
 1182.spread order
 1183.spread to worst
 1184.spread trading
 1191.spreiding van het aandelenbezit
 1194.spring forecast
 1195.Spring Forecast
 1203.square mile
 1204.squawk box
 1207.squeeze-out bid
 1218.SSE Composite Index
 1223.St Louis Fed Financial Stress Index
 1224.St Patrick's Day
 1228.Staat der Nederlanden
 1229.Staat van de Unie
 1230.staat van herkomst en besteding van middelen
 1236.Staatsbedrijf der Posterijen, Telegrafie en Telefonie
 1237.Staatsbons (België)
 1258.Staatstoezicht op de Mijnen
 1260.Stabilisatiefonds van de Russische Federatie
 1262.Stabiliteits- en groeipact
 1269.stability bond
 1270.Stabilization Fund of the Russian Federation
 1271.stable outlook
 1281.stag transactie
 1285.stagflation lite
 1290.stakeholder value
 1291.stakeholder value benadering
 1295.staking van een onderneming
 1300.stale bull
 1301.stallen (van geld)
 1304.stamp duty
 1306.stamrecht BV
 1308.stand-alone (investment) bank
 1309.stand-alone valuation
 1310.stand-alone waardering
 1314.Standard & Poor's
 1315.standard of living
 1316.stand-by krediet
 1318.standstill agreement
 1319.standstill bepaling
 1321.stapelen van banen
 1324.staple financing
 1325.stapled financing
 1329.STAR Market
 1338.State Administration of Foreign Exchange
 1339.State Bank of Vietnam
 1340.State General Reserve Fund
 1341.State of the Union
 1342.State Oil Fund
 1343.state of the art
 1344.State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council
 1345.state-owned entity
 1346.statement of authority
 1347.statement of control
 1349.Statens Pensjonsfond
 1353.statische koopkracht
 1354.statistical arbitrage
 1356.statistische arbitrage
 1357.Statistisches Bundesamt
 1360.statutaire naam
 1361.statutaire reserve
 1362.statutaire zetel
 1369.steady-state economy
 1370.stealth solution
 1371.stealth tax
 1374.Steely Neelie
 1375.steenrijk maar geldarm
 1377.steile rentecurve
 1378.steile rentestructuur
 1381.stekker eruit trekken
 1387.stelsel van werkloosheid met bedrijfstoeslag
 1389.stemgerechtigd kapitaal
 1392.stemmen bij volmacht
 1393.stemmen in absentia
 1394.stemmen met de voeten
 1395.stemmen op afstand
 1399.stemrechtloze aandelen
 1402.step up
 1404.step-down bond
 1406.step-up bond
 1407.step-up call
 1408.step-up loan
 1425.sterk merk
 1426.sterke gekwalificeerde meerderheid
 1427.sterke munt
 1429.sterkste schouders, zwaarste lasten
 1432.Sterling OverNight Index Average
 1443.Steunpunt Integriteitsonderzoek Politieke Ambtsdragers
 1445.steward owned
 1446.steward ownership
 1448.Stewardship Code for Institutional Investors
 1452.Stichting Administratiekantoor
 1453.stichting administratiekantoor beheer financiële instellingen
 1454.Stichting Capital Amsterdam
 1455.stichting continuïteit
 1456.Stichting Corporate Governance Onderzoek voor Pensioenfondsen
 1457.Stichting Financiële Dienstverlening
 1458.Stichting Fraudebestrijding Hypotheken
 1459.Stichting Keurmerk Financiele Dienstverlening
 1460.Stichting Klachten en Geschillen Zorgverzekeringen
 1461.Stichting Netwerk Gerechtsdeurwaarders
 1462.Stichting Normering Arbeid
 1463.Stichting Onderzoek Bedrijfs Informatie
 1464.Stichting Onderzoek Multinationale Ondernemingen
 1465.Stichting Particulier Fonds
 1466.Stichting Pensioenkijker.nl
 1467.Stichting Preferente Aandelen
 1468.stichting prioriteit
 1469.Stichting Schadefonds Beleggers
 1470.Stichting Toezicht Effectenverkeer
 1471.Stichting Transparantie Vastgoedfondsen
 1472.Stichting Tuchtrecht Banken
 1473.Stichting van de Arbeid
 1474.Stichting voor Ondernemingspensioenfondsen
 1475.Stichting Waarborgfonds Eigen Woningen
 1476.sticky inflation
 1477.sticky prices
 1481.stijgende driehoek
 1482.stijgende rentecurve
 1488.stil pandrecht
 1489.stille bewindvoerder
 1490.stille curator
 1491.stille deelneming
 1492.stille generatie
 1493.stille periode
 1494.stille reserve
 1495.stille vennoot
 1497.Stimmy Money
 1498.stimuleren van de economie
 1499.Stimulering Duurzame Energieproductie
 1506.stochastisch volatileit optiewaarderingsmodel
 1508.stock appreciation rights
 1509.stock borrowing
 1510.stock buyback
 1511.Stock Connect
 1512.Stock Exchange Daily Official List
 1513.stock fraud
 1514.stock lending
 1515.stock market party
 1516.stock option
 1517.stock option plan
 1518.stock purchase agreement
 1519.stock repurchase program
 1520.stock split
 1521.stock watch
 1528.stock picking
 1532.stop and reverse
 1533.stop close only
 1534.stop limit order
 1535.stop loss prijs
 1536.stop on close
 1537.stop order
 1540.stop loss order
 1541.stoploss verzuimverzekering
 1542.stoplosscontract (verzekering)
 1546.store of value
 1557.STOXX 50 index
 1564.straf de drukker
 1569.straight bond
 1570.straight loan
 1571.straight through processing
 1572.Straits Times-index
 1573.stranded assets
 1574.stranded fields
 1579.strategisch beleggingsbeleid
 1580.strategisch exposure
 1581.strategisch partnerschap
 1582.strategisch plan
 1583.strategische alliantie
 1584.strategische alpha
 1585.strategische business unit
 1586.strategische heroriëntatie
 1587.strategische indices
 1588.strategische investering
 1589.strategische koper
 1590.strategische olievoorraad
 1591.strategische opties
 1592.strategische overname
 1593.strategische samenwerking
 1594.strategische update
 1595.strategische voorraden
 1597.streaming company
 1599.street-side trade
 1602.strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
 1607.strijd om talent
 1610.strike interval
 1611.strike price
 1612.strike price differential
 1613.striking date
 1614.striking price
 1616.strip hedge
 1617.stripped bond
 1622.strong buy
 1623.strong customer authentication
 1624.strong sell
 1628.structured credit
 1629.structured finance
 1630.structured investment vehicle
 1631.structured PIPE
 1632.structured products
 1633.structureel begrotingssaldo
 1634.structurele stagnatie
 1635.structurele werkloosheid
 1637.structuur- en cohesiefondsen
 1643.stub (period)
 1644.stub equity
 1645.stub trading
 1646.student grants and loans
 1647.Student Loan Marketing Administration
 1649.Studiegroep Begrotingsruimte
 1656.stukkenloos effectenverkeer
 1669.sub-ten emissie
 1674.subordinated bond
 1675.subordinated loan
 1679.subscription period
 1680.subscription tax
 1686.substance over form beginsel
 1688.substantiëel belang
 1689.substantiële deelneming
 1690.substitutie effect
 1693.success bond
 1698.sucker list
 1699.sucker rally
 1700.sudden death bonds
 1703.sugar rush
 1705.suiker- en vettaks
 1709.Suisse Secrets
 1710.suitability test
 1717.Summary of Commentary on Current Economic Conditions
 1718.Summers, Lawrence Henry
 1719.Sunday Times Rich List
 1720.sunk cost fallacy
 1721.sunk cost trap
 1722.sunk costs
 1723.sunrise industry
 1724.sunset clause
 1725.sunset clausule
 1726.sunset industry
 1727.sunset provision
 1728.Super Mario
 1729.Super PAC
 1730.Super Saturday
 1731.super sinker
 1732.Super Thursday
 1733.Super Tuesday
 1735.superaction committee
 1737.Superbowl indicator
 1741.superfast trading
 1748.supersnelle beurshandel
 1749.superstar firms
 1751.supervision light
 1752.supervisory board (bankenunie)
 1753.Supervisory Review & Evaluation Process
 1754.Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
 1759.supply chain
 1760.supply chain finance
 1761.supply crunch
 1762.supply curve
 1763.supply-side economics
 1765.Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency
 1767.supranationale instelling
 1768.Supreme Court
 1769.Supreme Court of the United States
 1772.surge pricing
 1773.Surinaamse dollar
 1775.surplus rijkdom
 1779.surprise index
 1781.surseance van betaling
 1783.surveillance capitalism
 1787.survivor bias
 1788.survivorship bias
 1789.sushi bond
 1790.sushi obligatie
 1792.suspicious transactions
 1794.sustainability bond
 1795.sustainability report
 1796.sustainability-linked bond
 1797.Sustainable Cities Index
 1798.sustainable city
 1799.Sustainable Development Goals
 1800.Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation
 1801.Sustainable Finance Lab
 1802.sustaining innovation
 1810.swap based ETF
 1822.sweat equity
 1824.sweet crude
 1825.sweet spot
 1827.sweetheart deal
 1830.SWF Institute
 1834.swing factor
 1835.swing loan
 1836.swing pricing
 1837.swing stock
 1838.swing trader
 1840.Swinging Sensex
 1841.swingline loan
 1843.Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority
 1844.Swiss finish
 1845.Swiss hub
 1846.Swiss Leaks
 1847.Swiss Market Index
 1848.Swiss Miss
 1851.switch fee
 1852.switch-over bepaling
 1853.switch-over clausule
 1854.switch-over regeling
 1863.SWX Swiss Exchange
 1864.Sydney Futures Exchange
 1865.symbolisch bedrag
 1866.symmetrische driehoek
 1867.symmetrische waardering
 1873.syndicated loan
 1880.synthetic euro area safe asset
 1881.synthetisch aandeel
 1882.synthetische positie
 1883.synthetische replicatie
 1888.systeemrelevante bank
 1892.system crash
 1893.systematisch risico
 1894.systematische internaliseerder
 1895.systemic internaliser
 1896.systemic risk
 1897.Systemically Important Financial Institutions
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